Arizona Large Gold Nugget
Arizona Large Gold Nugget
The sweet potato gold nugget found 12/6/21.
Some say found near Wickenburg, Arizona. (more…)
The sweet potato gold nugget found 12/6/21.
Some say found near Wickenburg, Arizona. (more…)
This huge Nevada Gold Nugget was found metal detecting with a Minelab 5000. The Sawtooth mountain range in Nevada was where this was found. As is often the case before the large nugget finds like this, even after diligently searching the area where it was found, no other nuggets turn up.
Although no other nuggets were found near this unbelievably large gold nugget, just the fact that an individual with a metal detector was able to find what I’m sure is a once-in-a-lifetime discovery! (more…)
Fantastic interview! Love the quote “Mr Powell has to feel like a porcupine in a balloon factory”.
The conflict in Eastern Europe is likely to be protracted, and energy prices will respond by rallying even higher from current levels, said Pierre Lassonde, chairman emeritus of Franco-Nevada and CEO of Firelight Investments.
“I think that Mr. Putin calculated that this was going to be an easy, quick win for him, to just roll into Ukraine and essentially put Humpty Dumpty back together, which was what he was trying to do. His plans are not turning out exactly as he had wished. With the Germans now changing tack and saying, we’re going to provide military help, that has changed the possible outcome of this war quite dramatically. The longer it lasts, the more profound the impact is going to be, particularly on the energy market. If this goes on for two, three weeks, a month, I think you’re looking at $200 oil,” Lassonde told Michelle Makori, editor-in-chief of Kitco News on the sidelines of the BMO Global Metals & Mining Conference. (more…)
The Gold Gypsies are on the move believing a new 200-hectare lease will answer their prayers. When prospecting on their new lease for the first time, they hit the jackpot with an incredible 3-ounce nugget worth around $5000!
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
The Victorian gold rush was a period in the history of Victoria, Australia approximately between 1851 and the late 1860s. It led to a period of extreme prosperity for the Australian colony, and an influx of population growth and financial capital for Melbourne, which was dubbed “Marvellous Melbourne” as a result of the procurement of wealth. (more…)
Wow over 22 ounces of gold & it has quartz through out it! That’s such a cool find & he found it on the surface!?
Arizona gold nugget 2nd. largest ever found
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Arizona has produced more than 16 million troy ounces (498 tonnes) of gold. (more…)
In our videos, we talk about the economic collapse and the market crash that has taken over the world. We point out the situation on the real estate and stock market and the value of the US dollar. On the Life Success Story channel, you will learn about the work of Central Banks, the US Federal Reserve, and measures taken by the Government.
Speakers such as Robert Kiyosaki, Ray Dalio, Jim Rogers, and Peter Schiff teach you about the billionaire mindset and point out the importance of financial education. (more…)
Victorian golden triangle dream gold nugget find.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:.
The first gold rush in Australia began in May 1851 after prospector Edward Hargraves claimed to have discovered payable gold near Orange, at a site he called Ophir. Hargraves had been to the Californian goldfields and had learned new gold prospecting techniques such as panning and cradling. Hargraves was offered rewards by the Colony of New South Wales and the Colony of Victoria. Before the end of the year, the gold rush had spread to many other parts of the state where gold had been found, not just to the west, but also to the south and north of Sydney. (more…)
There is nothing like finding a gold nugget, especially a large gold nugget! (more…)