Beach Gold Prospecting

Beach Gold Prospecting Washington State

Five hours work running 15 buckets to recover fine beach gold.

No one ever said gold mining was easy, actually quite the contrary it’s very hard work. But, with that said keep in mind that the majority of gold prospectors do it as a hobby, actually a hobby that can pay you! (more…)

How to find Arizona GOLD

How to find Arizona GOLD – More Productive GOLD Prospecting

Video is really for the new prospector or those thinking of getting into gold prospecting.

I haven’t been drywashing for gold in 6 or 7 years, just been doing gold detecting.

Prospector Mike and I had found some nuggets in two different washes in the Santa Domingo wash area. Mike actually found five good-sized nuggets the largest of which was about 3/4 of an ounce in a wash area of just about 150 feet long.


Arizona Gold Ore

Arizona Gold Ore With a gold ore that we’re talking about here it’s usually super fine gold and well dispersed throughout the quarts.   Therefore, even is super powerful metal detector design for gold we usually not signal from normal gold ore. But, there are many exceptions when the fine gold Read more…

Keene 140s Drywasher Review

Keene 140s Drywasher – Finding Gold Nuggets

Finding gold prospecting tool. This Keene 140s is a medium sized drywasher that can easily keep two gold prospectors busy and recover the smallest gold.

The Keene 140s drywasher is one of the most popular gold drywashers! It’s not a new machine, it’s actually been out a number of years, and during that time has developed a large loyal following from gold prospectors in the Southwest. Yes, water gold recovery methods are much more effective, but when you have no water available, like in the deserts of Southern California, Arizona and New Mexico, the gold drywasher is the number one gold classification/recovery method. (more…)

Large Gold Nugget Found

Large Gold Nugget Found – 3.9oz Gold Nugget

Finding a large gold nugget like this is every Prospectors dream! 

What are the chances of finding a huge gold nugget?  Personally, the chances are probably similar to going to Vegas and hitting the jackpot on one of those dollar slot machines!  With that said, those jackpots are hit occasionally,  and if you want to hit the jackpot  by finding a large  gold nugget,  you have to get out there in the field and invest the time and energy that’s necessary. (more…)