Keene 140s Drywasher – Finding Gold Nuggets
Finding gold prospecting tool. This Keene 140s is a medium sized drywasher that can easily keep two gold prospectors busy and recover the smallest gold.
The Keene 140s drywasher is one of the most popular gold drywashers! It’s not a new machine, it’s actually been out a number of years, and during that time has developed a large loyal following from gold prospectors in the Southwest. Yes, water gold recovery methods are much more effective, but when you have no water available, like in the deserts of Southern California, Arizona and New Mexico, the gold drywasher is the number one gold classification/recovery method.
Keene 140s Drywasher Review

Keene 140s drywasher
The recreational or weekend gold prospector as many choices when it comes to gold drywashers. There are gold drywashers that are manually operated, electrically-operated and ones like the Keene 140s shown in this video, that are operated by attaching a leaf blower engine to create a stream of air not only to blow off the fine dirt and sand, but, also to provide vibration to the entire unit to assist in collection of the smallest gold.
The majority of the world’s gold is recovered is very fine dust or flour gold. A dry washer like this Keene 140s really excels in the recovery of this type of gold. The Keene 140s drywasher is one of the most popular gold drywashers!
Just having a good tool like this drywasher, certainly does not ensure your success in finding and recovering gold. Like any other tool, you have to put the time into properly setting it up for the conditions in the location you’re in.
More importantly, you have to do your homework to place this machine in an area that’s likely to have fine gold or gold nuggets. Your best bet here, is to do a lot of research, talk with local prospecting clubs and then go where the old timers prospected, because there’s a high probability there’s still gold in these areas.
Keene 140s Drywasher Review
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Prostate Cancer survivor · April 27, 2022 at 7:08 am
Looks like a great way to recover gold.
Arizona Airedale Terriers · April 21, 2022 at 7:41 am
Looks like a great gold machine! Couldn’t have said it better myself