Arizona gold weekend Gold prospecting
Looking for Arizona gold near the Little San Domingo Wash near Morristown, AZ., approximately 50 miles northwest of Phoenix, at the junction of State Route 74 and U.S. Route 60.
We did this outing in early July, when the forecast was for 112° in Phoenix! So, what we did is we met up real early, and got out to the claim somewhere around 6:45 AM. We plan to stay, only until about 9:30 AM before the heat got too intense.
Arizona gold weekend Gold prospecting

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Because it was overcast in the morning, the heat wasn’t too bad and we stopped at a few different locations on the way getting out, so as we were heading out across the desert the clouds cleared and it heated up really fast.
Actually, we had about a half an hour or so of driving through the desert where it was so hot it felt that you had open the door to your oven after you preheated it to 450° and were riding through that hot air at 60 miles an hour! Actually, it took so much out of me, even after my cold shower at home, I was wiped out for about two hours!
Well, we learned an important lesson, in the summer, when you said an early morning time to leave the gold areas, to beat the heat, don’t deviate from your original plan!
Now, with that said we still had a good time, and the main thing is we were lucky enough to once again find gold! Sure, not much gold, but, every little bit of gold adds up!

Insta360 One X2
I also wanted to clarify that this video just shows one affect that can be done with the 360° camera. This is not the way it films all the time. The effect being shown here is called small planet, and it’s achieved by having the camera on 3′ selfi-stick I’m holding it up over the roof of the vehicle.
If you’re really interested in a 360° camera like this, I’d suggest that you take a look at one of my motorcycle videos where you can see the tremendous advantage a camera like this has over a normal adventure type video camera. In the motorcycle video ( ) the camera is mounted stationary but because the camera films everything, in post production I can create various effects and naturally the side what part of the 360° view will be shown in the finished video.
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Arizona gold
Arizona has produced more than 16 million troy ounces (498 tones) of gold. Gold mining in Arizona reportedly began in 1774 when Spanish priest Manuel Lopez directed Papago Indians to wash gold from gravel on the flanks of the Quijotoa Mountains, Pima County. Gold mining continued there until 1849, when the Mexican miners were lured away by the California Gold Rush. Other gold mining under Spanish and Mexican rule took place in the Oro Blanco district of Santa Cruz County, and the Arivaca district, Pima County. Always check BLM claim information first to be sure the areas you are going to are not an active mining claim or restricted State lands.
Be sure to view our Gold nuggets for sale.
View our Natural Silver specimens
Also see the most expensive type of gold nuggets, the Crystalline Gold Nuggets
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San Diego real estate broker · April 26, 2022 at 9:59 pm
Enjoyed the read
San Diego real estate broker · April 5, 2022 at 10:52 pm
I love gold prospecting!