Russian Gold Standard
Did Russia just roll out a Gold Standard heralding a changing world order and shake up for reserve currencies?
Yes, I believe this is another catastrophic blunder by the Biden Administration that is now causing the US dollar to lose it’s status as the world’s currency!
Russian Gold Standard

gold bars
By freezing Russian assets , and locking Russia out of the global Monetary Exchange system, it’s undeniable that Biden Administration has started the ball rolling for the demise of the Brenton Woods system.
If the dollar loses its status as the world’s currency, United States will become one of the largest debtor nations in history and our standard of living will take catastrophic downturn!
I’m sure there are some of you who don’t realize that the dollar was not always the world currency. Prior to 1944, the world currency was the English pound.
In 1944, in the mountains of Bretton Woods, N.H. a new financial system for the global economy with the U.S. Dollar was agreed upon. This was called the the so-called “Bretton Woods” system.
Really, all the economic measures put in place by puppets like Biden and Trudeau are, in point of fact, ineffective.
1 Comment
Prostate Cancer · April 27, 2022 at 9:54 am
Enjoyed the read