Gold Nuggets Minelab Detector Comparisons
Digging out the 50 gold nugget hole, which i actually believe had 62 nuggets in it (so far).
The 50 nugget hole is actually only 25m away from 3 x different camp fires and old workings that have been done to death and 20m from a main track through a mining area.
Gold Nuggets Minelab Detector Comparisons

Minelab metal detector
The amount of people that would have detected within the patch area would be significant, which is mind boggling. There is a few comparisons between Minelab GPX5000 and Minelab SDC2300. I wanted to show these comparisons on real, different depth targets of various sizes because most tests i see on Youtube are with really tiny nuggets on or very close to the surface and the GPX5000 is generally not set up to its potential for that circumstance.
The best thing about the GPX5000 is the option to use many different coils and many different settings to get the most out of it. My opinion after trying a number of different SDC’s is they are limited to very shallow depths, as you can see in one of these digs, is the SDC struggled to pick up a .4 at 4 inches. I have seen the same thing happen many times in the past with the SDC.
People will say that’s because the SDC only has an 8 inch round coil on it. That’s a load of rubbish, I’ve used small coils on the 5000 and they will punch down way deeper on small stuff, don’t be kidded by the hype. The SDC is reasonably good on small gold for a few inches, but then again i can set up the GPX5000 to do the same with a small coil and different settings too.
Portability is probably the SDC’s best asset. If you have a GPX5000 and don’t use a Coiltek Elite, I suggest you try one. I tend to go with a 14×9 because it gives more sensitivity that the 14 inch round but will still go surprisingly deep on very small targets (and big ones). I haven’t publicized the settings I use for a reason, because it gives me an advantage and i find a lot of nuggets other people have! What i will say is my settings are a standard minelab pre set setting. I don’t go for any of the weird and wonderful combinations i hear from time to time. Happy hunting.
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