Gold Prospecting Drone
Whether you call it a drone or a UAV really doesn’t matter they are becoming increasingly popular for getting great aerial videos as well as still photos.
Today, major gold mining corporations all around the world are using drones to map out and survey their current claims as well as possible future areas that may be worthy of future close inspection.
Gold Prospecting Drone

Gold Prospecting Drone
As far as for weekend gold mining, your time out in the field is very precious. So, the use of a drone like this could really save you a lot of time and increase your actual prospecting time.
Just thinking about it, I must’ve seen hundreds of old gold mines high up in the hills that I would really like to inspect close-up, but just didn’t feel a hike up in 85+ (many desert areas in the summer can easily hit over 115°) degree temperatures would be worth it. Now in just a couple minutes I could send my drone up there take a look around especially for mine tailing piles that have been undisturbed and decide whether or not it’s worth to take our equipment up there.
Usually, recreational gold prospecting trips like this are over the weekend and therefore prospecting time is at a premium. A UAV like the one I’m using here can save a lot of time in exploring new areas and or trails to figure the best way to reach a destination. Although the FAA suggest that you do not fly higher than 400 feet, for gold prospecting with your aerial drone this is not an issue. This is because most of the time you’re going to be using the gold prospecting drone at an altitude of 25 to 50 feet so you can get a sharper look at the underlying terrain.
Sure you can find a lot of gold without having a drone! But, the same can be said for going out without a pick or a shovel. the drone is just another tool to save time and increase your production in the field. Plus, and it’s a big plus, they’re really fun to fly.
Be sure to view our Gold nuggets for sale.
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San Diego immigration lawyer · April 27, 2022 at 2:14 pm
Enjoyed the read
Airedales · April 21, 2022 at 7:41 am
Great use of your drone! Good post
large Airedale Terrier · January 19, 2021 at 11:29 am
Great idea . . . dron gold prospecting!