Gold Buying

Gold Buying by Central Banks

Today, the price of gold is $1,987.90, off by $6.40. 

800 tons. – That is how much gold China’s Central banks have bought this year, up 14% from last year, according to a recent report.

Gold Buying by Central Banks - gold bars

gold bars

Keep in mind, that China although the largest purchaser of gold, is by far not the only country that’s been snapping up the yellow metal.
Many other central banks is also purchasing gold. (more…)

Is Precious Metals Investing Dead?

Is Precious Metals Investing Dead?

With the Biden Administration pushing for digital currency, there’s been lots of ads to protect your money by buying gold.  Even though I’m into gold detecting and gold investing, I think one must have to be a little skeptical of these ads to buy gold to preserve your  wealth.

Now, I’m certainly not for digital currency because there will be absolutely no privacy, and the government will know everything that you’re doing, and probably more importantly, would be able to restrict you, or limit you in what you can buy at any particular time.


Arizona Gold Prospector’s Dream Metal Detecting

Arizona Gold Prospector’s Dream Metal Detecting

We all have our favorite pastimes and hobbies and if you’re really into some of these, I’m sure you’ve had an occasional dream about it. 

Well, I’m into gold prospecting, and I’ve certainly had a dream or two about finding that huge gold nugget or vein of gold. Many years ago, I can recall one dream where I was detecting for gold and I found one nugget after another. (more…)

GPX 5000 Gold Metal Detecting

GPX 5000 Gold Metal Detecting

A good morning out in the Victorian goldfields. The 12″ Evolution Nugget Finder coil on the mighty Minelab GPX 5000 was producing the gold.

Sure this is an older video, back when the 5000 was the flagship of the Minelab line.  Now, as technology has improved, the new flagship seems to be the Minelab 6000, or depending on your opinion the Minelab 7000. (more…)

Central Banks and GOLD

Central Banks and GOLD

Many central banks all around the world own gold. In fact, since the late 90s, central banks around the world have been net buyers of gold. 

That wasn’t true before that. Coincidentally, that is also when the gold price bottomed ended that long bear market and began a massive, epic bull-market leading into a bubble in the late 2000s.  (more…)

Price of Gold

Price of Gold

Bloomberg recently published a piece called, ‘The Gold Market’s Great Migration Sends Bullion Rushing East.’ 

The article notes that China has imported 160 TONS of gold since April, India has added 80 tons, Turkey 62, and the list goes on. Is the U.S. — or other Western nations — selling gold to China? And if so, why wouldn’t we be buying it, instead?  (more…)

California Gold Metal Detecting

California Gold Metal Detecting

Mother Lode gold metal detecting and crevicing for gold. Prospector Jerry and Mountain Mike head out into a beautiful area in search gold on ground that is extremely rich, soo rich you don’t even need to dig much if at all to find the chunky gold hiding away..

The gold prospectors are using a Minelab Gold Monster 1000 VLF metal detector. (more…)

Australian Gold Nugget patch

Australian Gold Nugget patch

Yes, there’s still plenty of gold left in Australia.

The Australian Outback has the very harsh climate,  lots of bugs,  and the worlds most deadly snakes.  But, even with these challenges,  gold prospectors with  high-tech gold detectors,  are finding lots of gold nuggets. (more…)

Recirculating gold sluice system

New Recirculating gold sluice system

Alan Guthmiller has developed an amazing water conserving recirculating gold sluice system. 

About a yard of gravel can be processes on only 40 gallons. I caught up with Alan at the GPAA gold show in Pomona back in July and got some video talking with Alan about his new desert gold sluice system. (more…)