Recirculating gold sluice system

New Recirculating gold sluice system

Alan Guthmiller has developed an amazing water conserving recirculating gold sluice system. 

About a yard of gravel can be processes on only 40 gallons. I caught up with Alan at the GPAA gold show in Pomona back in July and got some video talking with Alan about his new desert gold sluice system. (more…)

Gold or Bitcoin?

Gold or Bitcoin

Just a few days ago I published a post and a chart showing that this week the spot gold price hit its lowest level in the last 2 years.

Gold or Bitcoin - gold bars

gold bars

I found this amazing when one considers all the turmoil in the world especially in Ukraine and Taiwan.  If you’d like to see that post here’s the link: (more…)

New Gold Market

Russia’s New Gold Market

Russia’s new gold market proposal would create an international trading market that competes with the LBMA and could impact the price of gold, the currencies it’s denominated in, and the ability of bad actors to pull off coordinated manipulation. 

What’s the story with the BRICS reserve currency and the proposed Moscow World Standard (MWS)? (more…)

Faking Gold Prospecting T.V. Shows

Gold Prospecting T.V. Shows

So sick of these fake gold prospecting shows.

This guy did a great job of pointing out why the gold had to be  set up there to create an interesting segment and hold the attention of the audience.  There are quite a few other gold prospecting TV shows that I just know are heavily edited to make the viewer think but they are always finding lots of gold in every segment. (more…)

Giant Gold Nugget Prospecting

Giant Gold Nugget Prospecting

This huge Nevada Gold Nugget was found metal detecting with a Minelab 5000.  The Sawtooth mountain range in Nevada was where this was found.  As is often the case before the large nugget finds like this, even after diligently searching the area where it was found, no other nuggets turn up.

Although no other nuggets were found near this unbelievably large gold nugget, just the fact that an individual with a metal detector was able to find what I’m sure is a once-in-a-lifetime discovery! (more…)

Gold Confiscation History

Gold Confiscation History

This video compares old US Mint gold coin mintage numbers versus 1933 to 1939 melt data to surmise an estimate on how much physical gold was turned in and melted down from Executive Order 6102 in 1933. 

We think you will not only be surprised to learn the amount but also some of the very far-reaching effects this era of financial history still holds on our world today. (more…)

Australian Gold Nugget Detecting

Australian Gold Nugget Detecting

We found an area in the Pilbara that has never seen a metal detector before! We just arrived in a new spot and expected having to prospect for several days before getting to a good spot but we found it after only two kilometers of walking on the first day.

Screaming targets in a remote gully revealed plenty of chunky gold nuggets (and also a few bullet casings). Days like these are sooo good and make detecting a lot of fun but unfortunately these areas are hard to find nowadays.  (more…)

Mountain of Gold!

Mountain of Gold! Congolese Villagers get the biggest surprise of their lives, after discovering a whole mountain of Gold! This video from the Republic of the Congo documents the biggest surprise for some villagers in this country, as an entire Read more…

Western Australia Gold Metal Detecting

Western Australia Gold Metal Detecting

We’re running a small gold mining operation for a little while. This is a trial to see if the ground is productive enough to keep digging it. 

The ground type is cap rock, hard like cement and not easy on the machine and its operator Adrian. This is day 1 of our attempt to mine big gold (a 50 ouncer was found in this exact spot). I’m looking forward to be working at this gold mine for a bit.


New gold rush

Victoria’s new gold rush

The gold rushes helped define Australia and built the prosperity of Victoria. 

Now there’s a ‘new gold rush’, with a surge in mining activity on old reefs bringing new life to the state’s historic gold towns. (more…)

Silver Mining and Refining at Cerro Gordo

Silver Mining

The Union Mine, Cerro Gordo

Cerro Gordo is a privately owned Mining Town located in the Owens Valley near Lone Pine, California. On this trip our mission is to go down deep into the Union Mine and gather some high grade silver and lead ore. To do this we need to descend over 400′ underground on a hoist from the 1860’s! Once we get to the ore face we high grade out some very rich galena ore and bring it back to the surface! My mission is to make something cool for Brent out of the lead and silver,

One man has been living the post-apocalyptic lifestyle in his own wasteland since early last year. Brent Underwood, a young entrepreneur, bought the abandoned California ghost town of Cerro Gordo in 2018 for $1.4 million. (more…)