Western Australia Gold Metal Detecting

Western Australia Gold Metal Detecting

We’re running a small gold mining operation for a little while. This is a trial to see if the ground is productive enough to keep digging it. 

The ground type is cap rock, hard like cement and not easy on the machine and its operator Adrian. This is day 1 of our attempt to mine big gold (a 50 ouncer was found in this exact spot). I’m looking forward to be working at this gold mine for a bit.


New gold rush

Victoria’s new gold rush

The gold rushes helped define Australia and built the prosperity of Victoria. 

Now there’s a ‘new gold rush’, with a surge in mining activity on old reefs bringing new life to the state’s historic gold towns. (more…)

The California Gold Rush

California Gold Rush

The True Story of California’s Gold Rush 1848 to 1855

This original documentary showcases the historical significance California’s Gold Rush played in launching the largest mass migration in U.S. history and establishing California as the 31st state.


Huge Gold Nugget

Huge Gold Nugget

Found a 3.9oz gold nugget  Gold Prospecting NZ


NZ gold prospectors have their best day ever!  They made a little mistake on the video in their excitement of weighing the nugget when we went from grams to oz and forgot to put it into troy oz , so the nugget was 3.98oz not 4 2oz. (more…)

Finding your Largest Gold Nugget

Finding your Largest Gold Nugget

The Pennyweight trail, Mineral Bar on the North Fork of the American River.

I’m certain all the gold detectorists who are reading this, know what it feels like when you finally on unearth that target, not only see that it’s a gold nugget, but from the size, you know you just set a new personal record! (more…)

Beach Gold Prospecting

Beach Gold Prospecting Washington State

Five hours work running 15 buckets to recover fine beach gold.

No one ever said gold mining was easy, actually quite the contrary it’s very hard work. But, with that said keep in mind that the majority of gold prospectors do it as a hobby, actually a hobby that can pay you! (more…)

How to find Arizona GOLD

How to find Arizona GOLD – More Productive GOLD Prospecting

Video is really for the new prospector or those thinking of getting into gold prospecting.

I haven’t been drywashing for gold in 6 or 7 years, just been doing gold detecting.

Prospector Mike and I had found some nuggets in two different washes in the Santa Domingo wash area. Mike actually found five good-sized nuggets the largest of which was about 3/4 of an ounce in a wash area of just about 150 feet long.


Arizona Gold Ore

Arizona Gold Ore With a gold ore that we’re talking about here it’s usually super fine gold and well dispersed throughout the quarts.   Therefore, even is super powerful metal detector design for gold we usually not signal from normal gold ore. But, there are many exceptions when the fine gold Read more…

Klondike Gold Rush

Klondike Gold Rush

The Klondike Gold Rush tells the legendary story of the Alaska-Yukon Gold Rush. Over 100,000 people voyage to the far North intent on reaching the Canadian boom-town Dawson City and striking it rich. 

Historians and authors bring insight and perspective to the event that changed the lives of thousands. Present-day characters reveal that the frontier spirit is still alive in the Klondike. (more…)

Yuma Arizona Gold Prospecting

Yuma Arizona Gold Prospecting

In this video, we are on a private gold claim just north of the city of Yuma Arizona. Besides using some of the world’s best gold detectors, the gold prospectors are also using drywashers, gold trommels and recirculating sluices. 

Gold nuggets were found with the detectors, a good-sized picker was found sluicing and lots of fine gold was found drywashing. (more…)