Illegal Gold Mines

Illegal Gold Mines – The Dark Side of Gold Mining

Local government unit of the area failed tremendously since time immemorial due to bribes at the expense of poor miners who risks their lives everyday. Thank you DW documentary for exposing this illegal activity to a greater level. In the Philippines it is ignored all these years.

In the mines of Paracale, workers search for gold using the world’s most dangerous methods. Diving into flooded underground caves, they constantly risk their lives. 

The business is illegal. But for many, it is the only way they can earn money. In the past, the mineral trade flourished in the small Philippine coastal town of Paracale. (more…)

Large Gold Nugget Found

Large Gold Nugget Found – 3.9oz Gold Nugget

Finding a large gold nugget like this is every Prospectors dream! 

What are the chances of finding a huge gold nugget?  Personally, the chances are probably similar to going to Vegas and hitting the jackpot on one of those dollar slot machines!  With that said, those jackpots are hit occasionally,  and if you want to hit the jackpot  by finding a large  gold nugget,  you have to get out there in the field and invest the time and energy that’s necessary. (more…)

Gold Prospecting Wickenburg Arizona

AZ Gold Prospecting Wickenburg Arizona

Weekend Arizona gold prospecting in the Wickenburg AZ area.

Weekend gold prospecting is a great Hobby if you like the outdoors. There are many ways to prospect for gold from metal detecting and dry washing as shown in the video here, to  sluicing, high-banking,  crevicing,  panning  and dredging.

So, depending on your preferences and where you live,  there are a number of ways to prospect for gold. But, keep in mind, the number one rules for finding gold, is to go where it was found before.


Arizona Gold Drywashing

Arizona Gold Prospecting – Arizona Gold Drywashing

I think this is a good honest gold prospecting video. This goes to show, number one that there’s still gold to be found in the Arizona desert, and number two, it’s a lot of hard work to find that gold.

I’ve said this many times before and some of my videos, and that is if you’re in this for the money, I think you’d be  off working at a fast-food place then prospecting for Arizona gold. (more…)

Arizona Gold Prospecting

Arizona Gold Prospecting

Plenty of gold still out in Arizona.

The perfect combination went out gold prospecting – –  a good dry washer and metal detector.  Yes, they really go together to help find the small gold that’s typical in a lot of the  Arizona gold prospecting areas. (more…)